Qurbani is a financial worship to be performed by every Muslim who is mentally healthy, has reached the age of puberty, has enough wealth to be considered wealthy according to Islam, and is a resident (Marghinani, al-Hidayah, VII, 148). Those who have 80.18 grams of gold or the same value of money or property other than basic needs and debts should perform qurbani (Mawsili, al-Ikhtiyar, IV, 252-256; Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, IX, 452-453). In addition, a year does not need to pass over the nisab (the minimum limit to be accepted as wealthy in Islam) required for the duty of qurbani, unlike zakat.

What is the nature and the ruling of the worship of qurbani?

Qurbani lexically means to approach the thing that leads to getting close to Allah (swt). As a religious term, qurbani refers to sacrificing an animal that meets certain criteria for the purpose of worship in order to get close to Allah (swt) and to obtain His contentedness, and to the animal that has been sacrificed for this purpose (Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, IX, 452). Qurbani sacrificed in Eid al-Adha is called udhiyya and the one sacrificed in hajj is called hady. The believer, who is mentally healthy, free, resident and considered wealthy according to Islam, gets close to Allah (swt) by sacrificing qurbani in order to gain divine consent, and helps those who cannot sacrifice qurbani due to insufficient financial means (Sarakhsi, al-Mabsut, XII, 8; Ibn Nujaym, al-Bahr, VIII, 197). In the spirit of this worship, there is an understanding of closeness to Allah and self-sacrifice to the people. Qurbani is a sign of a Muslim’s readiness to sacrifice all of his/her possessions in the way of Allah (swt) when necessary. 

For whom hajj is a fardh?