The change and continuity in the realm of existence have always occupied the minds of humans. How does the continuity occur despite the change or change in continuity?

To understand change and continuity, we must first understand their ground, i.e. the universe. The universe: everything created except Allah? Time, space, facts, and events form the universe. Time and space represent continuity, while facts and events represent change. We perceive time-space and facts-events as if they are two separate elements that are independent and opposed to each other. However, time and space are mental constructs rather than concrete reality. That is why we can possibly divide time and space into various categories in the mind or ignore these categories. Indeed, many thinkers regard time and space as relative. They think they are shaped and evaluated by the subject. From another point of view, it is the sum of time and space, facts and events. We could say that even time and space themselves are subject to change. So, the one that maintains continuity and the one that changes appear to move parallel to each other. This reveals a balanced continuity and change in the universe.

As for people, what changes and remains the same in a person over the years?

Humans change, humanity doesn’t change. In Islamic thought, the human is defined as the body, which is pointed as ‘I’, which can be grasped by the five senses and supported by the soul. However, as the human body constantly changes, it is imperative to find an unchanging aspect for it. Otherwise, the changes in the body over time lead a person to become another being. This unchanging and constant part of the human being is called humanity. It has also been accepted that this humanity will not change, so it will be permanent. So, the person who says ‘I’ is actually pointing to the humanity that is represented by one’s body. This is because the body has a certain shape and volume, and it changes over time as it is renewed by moment. However, humanity never changes according to time and place and maintains the same perception in everyone’s mind throughout their lives. That is why a person’s unchanging humanity is taken as a basis when making judgments about a person, not their changing bodies. However, treating a person according to their changing body is inevitable.