Salah is a common act of worship transmitted and performed by all prophets. From Prophet Ibrahim to Musa, from Isa to the Prophet Muhammad (saw), all messengers carrying the message of Allah (swt) personally performed the salah. Moreover, emphasizing its importance and value, they placed salah at the center of their servitude. The fact that salah is such a special form of communication distinguishes it from other acts of worship. Therefore, salah is the most important duty of worship for us as a believer.
The work entitled “Salah: Mi’raj of the Believer”, published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, provides general information about Salah and its place and importance among other acts of worship. In this work, written by Dr. Kenan Oral, it is stated that the most important duty of a believer is salah. In fact, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “The head of the matter is Islam (submitting to Allah by reciting Kalimah al-Shahadah), and its pillar is salah and its peak is to strive on the path of Allah”. (Jami’ at-Tirmidhi, Iman 8; Ibn Hanbal, V, 231) A Muslim who turns to the Ka’bah five times a day and sincerely and honestly connects with Allah will save himself from the captivity of evil inspired by his own self. By strengthening his faith, he becomes spiritually stronger and spiritually nourished. The book “Salah: Mi’raj of the Believer” discusses how salah, which is the pillar of religion, prevents people from evil as a material and spiritual purification. In addition, it covers general information about prerequisites of salah, pillars of salah, wajib acts of salah, sunnah acts of salah, mustahabb acts of salah, things that invalidate salah, things that are makruh to do in salah, fard and wajib salah and salah al-nafilah. Properly performed, salah matures a Muslim morally and makes him a virtuous individual. A believer who respectfully and consciously fulfills this duty of service has no trace of ingratitude or miserliness. He becomes a person who is chaste and trustworthy, who has firm faith, and who has imbibed virtues such as modesty and generosity.
Salah is an act of worship that psychologically relaxes people who are in search of meaning where everything quickly loses its value, and who find it difficult to breathe amidst the worries of the world, revealing the qualities that make them human. With this in mind, we present this valuable work, which explains the meaning of salah in a simple and understandable style, for the benefit of our esteemed readers, and hope that it will be of benefit to humanity.