Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), with every step he took, was shifting the balance in Medina in favor of the Muslims. This situation led to changes in the attitudes and behavior of those who opposed him. Despite neither believing in Islam nor the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad, a hypocritical group emerged that portrayed themselves as believers. This was a new and significant problem the Prophet faced in Medina.

The hypocrites were disturbed by the strengthening and spread of Islam in Medina and lamented their inability to prevent this progress. They observed with dismay how, after Bilal al-Habashi’s call to prayer, the believers would line up in rows at the Masjid al-Nabawi, with their unity and solidarity growing stronger. They would sadly remark that there was nothing they could do but watch as the number of believers attending the Prophet’s gatherings continued to increase.

The leader of the hypocrisy movement was Abd Allah ibn ‘Ubayy ibn Salul, the chief of the Khazraj tribe. This man had been agreed upon to assume leadership of Yathrib after the wars between the Aws and Khazraj tribes. His supporters had even prepared an ornate crown for him. However, this plan was thwarted by the Prophet’s emigration to Medina. As a result, from the very first years of the hijrah, the Prophet (saw) faced the opposition of Abd Allah ibn ‘Ubayy and his followers, who harbored enmity towards him until the end of his life. The group of hypocrites led by Abd Allah ibn ‘Ubayy constantly warned their fellow townspeople not to support the Muhajirun, aiming to force the Prophet and all the emigrants to leave the city.

Measures against external threats: permission for jihad, the first expeditions, and battles