With its borders stretching from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean and from Mauritania to Algeria, Morocco is known as Jazirat al-Maghreb in the Islamic world and Morocco in the West. Morocco, whose south is Africa and north is Europe, connects the two worlds like a bridge. It preserves its unique and special structure with its location, natural environment, social structure, and traditional culture.

It is known that cultures express themselves through what they leave behind in history, transcending time and live on through their artifacts. These tangible expressions serve as a bridge across time, conveying the essence of a bygone era to future generations. For this reason, we have chosen as the subject of these lines a mosque that is more than a place of worship and is considered to be the westernmost landmark of the Islamic world, the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, Morocco. It is considered one of the largest mosques in the world.

The Hassan II Mosque is a monumental place of worship whose construction was inspired by a dream King Hassan II, the namesake of the mosque, had. Drawing inspiration from the seventh verse of Surah al-Hud: “and His Throne was upon the waters...”, the Hassan II Mosque was constructed with its threequarters extending over the Atlantic Ocean. This design choice contributes to the mosque’s awe-inspiring impression of floating when viewed from the ocean, thereby earning it the designation of “the floating mosque.” A section reserved exclusively for the royal family features a glass floor, offering a perspective of the ocean waters below.

Located on the coast of Casablanca, the Hassan II Mosque, one of the largest mosques in the world, resembles a delicate lace adorning the Atlantic shore with its 210-meterhigh square minaret. The minaret’s impressive height is attributable to its unique square design. The thirty-ton minaret, whose lantern is visible from across the city, serves as a constant reminder of the mosque’s colossal scale. Designed by French architect Michel Pinseau, its construction commenced in 1980.