Anas b. Malik (ra), who was raised at the home of the Prophet (saw), tells us that three Companions (ra), who were very diligent in performing prayers, came to the house of the Prophet (saw) in order to learn the supererogatory prayers that he performed day and night. It is apparent that they were curious as to how our Prophet showed his servitude to Allah while at home in addition to the obligatory prayers that he performed together with other Muslims. When they learned about the life of prayer of our Prophet from his wives, who did not hide their family lives because they wanted to provide good examples for believers, they thought that what they did was insufficient. So they said to themselves, “Look at us, and look at the Prophet! Doubtless, Allah forgave his past and future sins entirely.” They thought they needed to do much more worship than a person who was already a prophet.

Because of this, one of them said, “From now on, I will pray all night long.” Another said, “I will fast all the time, without skipping a day.” and the third one said, “I will live apart from women. I will not marry.” While they are talking, the Messenger of Allah (saw) appeared and said, “Are you the same people who said such-and-such? By Allah, I am more fearful of Allah and more careful of Him than you; yet sometimes I fast, and sometimes I break my fast. I do supererogatory prayers (during part of the night) and I sleep (part of the night). I also marry women. So he who does not follow my sunnah is not from me.” (Bukhari, Nikah, 1)

The Prophet (saw) stated that establishing a family by getting married is a sunnah of his, i.e. his lifestyle, and invited the ummah to get married and to appreciate the value of the family. Our Lord, who created every living thing on earth, plants, and animals, in two forms, male and female (Ya-Sin, 36:36; Shura, 42:11; Dhariyat, 51:49; Naba’, 78:8), also created the most precious creature, the human being, as male and female. He sent humans into this world as male and female (A’raf, 7:189). The following verse explains it as follows: “And Allah has made for you spouses of your own kind, and given you through your spouses children and grandchildren. And He has granted you good, lawful provisions. Are they then faithful to falsehood and ungrateful for Allah’s favours?”(Nahl, 16:72)