Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the product of science and engineering that enables machines, particularly computers, to exhibit intelligence through sophisticated programs. AI claims to possess advanced cognitive functions akin to human intelligence, including perception, learning, concepts and pattern recognition, thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, judgment, comparison, communication, and decision-making. It incorporates elements such as deep learning and machine learning. AI is an artificial operating system that not only operates on a cognitive level plane but also aims to showcase autonomous behaviors through its intersection with robotics applications.

The origins of AI can be traced back to J. McCarthy, who, while serving as a soldier in World War II, sought to decipher German codes using his mathematical knowledge. McCarthy believed that computers could learn to think like humans if specific programs were developed. After completing his military service, during which he had these ideas, he decided to put these ideas into practice once he had graduated from university and completed his postgraduate studies. This young academic organized the world’s first AI Conference in 1956. Following this landmark event, both the quantity and quality of AI research have increased significantly.

According to R. Campa, AI applications emerged in the late 20th and early 21st centuries as a result of the evolution of the industrial revolution. AI is defined and positioned by the processes of “automation, computerization, and robotization”, and is considered one of the most powerful tools of the Transhumanism movement. AI, which seeks to make machines intelligent, is regarded as the fourth great invention after the three important inventions of “steam, electricity, and computers.” Industrialization, driven by steam and electricity, was surpassed by computerization, leading to a process of high technologicalization. In the 1990s, AI, as an extension of cognitive science and cybernetics, further advanced this technologicalization and brought about the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), which can be seen as a cybernetic revolution.