Throughout history, the media has served as a powerful and instrumental force in shaping people’s attitudes, opinions, interests, and perceptions, and can even lead to the transformation of established values and behavioral patterns. Printed, visual, and auditory media elements have transcended their role as mere communication channels. Since the Industrial Revolution, they have functioned as a powerful engine driving globalization, exerting significant influence across a vast spectrum of human experience, from faith and education to art, politics, economics, and healthcare. The dizzying development of information technologies and the internet over the past three decades has amplified the influence of media and rendered new media platforms, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, integral to everyday life. These new media elements provide instant information flow, communication, interaction, and sharing between people living in different parts of the world by eliminating boundaries such as time and space. They have accelerated intercultural interaction by creating an expansive space in social relations. This process of digitalizing all kinds of content has led to the redefinition of cultural codes. Today, the digital world, with its cultural transitivity in social networks, allows for the display of everything without limits, creating a new global cultural network society. Simultaneously, it fosters its development of its own cultural standard independent of historical, geographical, and unique civilizational values. Conceptualizations such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence (AI), hive mind, Web 3.0, and virtual environments (cyberspace/ metaverse) currently at the forefront of information and communication technologies suggest a near future characterized by a more evolved form of interactive engagement.