A scholar is growing up 

When the calendars marked the year 871, a child was born on the eastern edge of Islamic civilization in Vesich, near the city of Farab in Turkestan. This child would later emerge as the second teacher of Islamic philosophical thought and a renowned scholar known to Westerners as Al-Farabi or Avennasar. Thus, how did al-Farabi’s journey of wisdom commence?

According to the available data, the only information we have regarding know about his family is that his father was the commander of the Vesich Fortress. No further details are known. Al-Farabi received his initial education in Farab, a cultural center under the governance of the Samanid Empire. Alongside mastering Persian and Arabic, he delved into the studies of fiqh, hadith, and tafsir. After successfully completing his education, al-Farabi served as a qadi for a period. However, the love of wisdom in him made him restless in the position of qadi. He left his position as a qadi and departed from his hometown, embarking on a journey in search of wisdom that continued throughout his life.

Al-Farabi discovers Aristotle 

On his journey of wisdom, al-Farabi visited important centers of science and culture of the time, such as Bukhara, Samarkand, Marw, and Balkh. Then, at the age of forty, he made his way to Baghdad. He resided in this city, the political and cultural center of the Islamic world, for twenty years. During this period, Plato, Aristotle, and most of the later Greek poets were translated into Syriac, partly by Eastern Christians. Between the 8th to the 11th centuries, the Islamic city of Baghdad experienced a pinnacle of interest in Greek philosophy, fostering an atmosphere of open and extensive intellectual discourse.