The Russian translation of the book “Islam through Hadiths,” published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs, has been added to the Russian State Library, which is among the world's largest libraries. The event took place during a program commemorating the presentation of the book to the “Lenin Library” in Moscow, the capital of Russia.

The program was attended by Omer Faruk Savuran, Counsellor for Religious Services at the Embassy of Türkiye in Moscow, Viktor Fedorov, Director of the Russian State Library, and other officials of the library.

During his address, Savuran highlighted the library's historical significance, noting its service during the Tsarist era, the Soviet Union period, and in contemporary Russia.

Observing that the work was meticulously prepared by the experts in the field of theology in a way that can be understood by everyone, Savuran remarked, “The Hadith and the sunnah are among the basic sources of Muslims because they are the exposition of the Holy Qur’an. I believe that this publication will be very beneficial to everyone in the library, including those who do academic studies in the field of theology in Russia.”

Fedorov, acknowledging Russia's multicultural composition, expressed his optimism that the book “Islam through Hadiths” will captivate the library's visitors, particularly the younger generation.