The construction of the walls surrounding al-Quds (Jerusalem) began during the time of the Prophet Sulayman and these walls and the city continued to develop as late as the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. Surrounding the Old City, these walls embraced the whole city and remained strong and resilient despite facing harsh winters and being subjected to wars.

Have you ever wondered how many cities in the world possess such an ancient history and an extraordinary destiny? Al-Quds, the holy city whose testimony holds great significance, is a place where everyone aspires to be in it, and it is where everyone leaves their mark as they pass through it.

The original name of the city of al-Quds translates to “the land of peace” in every language. More than just a city, it is like a nurturing mother to those who truly see its soul. Although it had been ruled by civilizations such as the Canaanites, Jebusites, Hurrians, and Persians for centuries, its true honor was given to it by the hand of Prophet Dawud. The Bayt, which crowns its sanctity, was built by the Prophet Sulayman. Allah, in His blessing of al-Quds with the Bayt al-Maqdis, sanctified it as a city of Islam. Those who attempted to establish idolatrous societies briefly succeeded through oppression and tyranny, but al-Quds always reverted to its core essence with divine support.

Al-Quds is the capital of tawhid. The path of prophethood, which commenced with the Prophet Adam courses through this sacred city of al-Quds. The blessed city bears witness to the esteemed legacies of the blessed Prophets including Ibrahim, Lut, Isma’il, Ishaq, Isaac, Ya’qub, Yusuf, Dawud, Sulayman, Zakariya, Yahya, Isa, and the final Prophet Muhammad. Throughout al-Quds, one can find the remnants, monuments, resting places, effects, and reminiscences of the prophets. Even in modern times, those who explore al-Quds within the embrace of its ancient stone walls unmistakably experience the profound sense that they are truly in the city of prophets at every turn.