The name “al-‘Aziz”, one of the most powerful expressions of the greatness and majesty of our Lord, conveys meanings such as honor and dignity, dominance and superiority, intensity and strength, and grandeur and sublimity. Opposing the meaning of “zalil” (weak and powerless), “al-‘Aziz” appears as a proper name in approximately ten verses of the Qur’an, making it one of the most frequently used names in place of the name of Allah after the attributes “Rahman” and “Rab” (An‘am, 6:96; Ibrahim, 14:1; Shu‘ara, 26:217). Additionally, in more than twenty verses, Allah refers to Himself with the name “al-‘Aziz”. All of this demonstrates that one of the fundamental attributes of divinity is “absolute dignity”.

In Surah As-Saffat, verse 180, Allah the Almighty describes Himself as the “Lord of Honor and Power” (Rabb al-‘Izzah). This means that He is the possessor and source of everything —whether within or beyond human intellect and imagination—that pertains to dignity and honor. No power can disgrace those whom He honors, nor can any power bestow dignity upon those whom He disgraces. Those who fail to comprehend Allah’s dignity and honor are in a state even lower than that of Satan. This is because even Satan when swearing, swore by Allah’s dignity (Sad, 38:82).

Allah, Who is exalted in His essence, has revealed a Book that is undoubtedly the most honorable of all words. Thus, we know that it too is described as al-‘Aziz (Fussilat, 41:41). It surpasses all other words and elevates those who follow it, granting them honor and dignity. The name “al-‘Aziz” is mentioned 88 times throughout the Qur’an, always in contexts emphasizing Allah’s absolute power and supremacy. Moreover, it is consistently paired with another name, reflecting a relationship of mutual affirmation and balance between the attributes expressed by these names.