The name “al-‘Aziz”, one of the most powerful expressions of the greatness and majesty of our Lord, conveys meanings such as honor and dignity, dominance and superiority, intensity and strength, and grandeur and sublimity. Opposing the meaning of “zalil” (weak and powerless), “al-‘Aziz” appears as a proper name in approximately ten verses of the Qur’an, making it one of the most frequently used names in place of the name of Allah after the attributes “Rahman” and “Rab” (An‘am, 6:96; Ibrahim, 14:1; Shu‘ara, 26:217). Additionally, in more than twenty verses, Allah refers to Himself with the name “al-‘Aziz”. All of this demonstrates that one of the fundamental attributes of divinity is “absolute dignity”.
In Surah As-Saffat, verse 180, Allah the Almighty describes Himself as the “Lord of Honor and Power” (Rabb al-‘Izzah). This means that He is the possessor and source of everything —whether within or beyond human intellect and imagination—that pertains to dignity and honor. No power can disgrace those whom He honors, nor can any power bestow dignity upon those whom He disgraces. Those who fail to comprehend Allah’s dignity and honor are in a state even lower than that of Satan. This is because even Satan when swearing, swore by Allah’s dignity (Sad, 38:82).
Allah, Who is exalted in His essence, has revealed a Book that is undoubtedly the most honorable of all words. Thus, we know that it too is described as al-‘Aziz (Fussilat, 41:41). It surpasses all other words and elevates those who follow it, granting them honor and dignity. The name “al-‘Aziz” is mentioned 88 times throughout the Qur’an, always in contexts emphasizing Allah’s absolute power and supremacy. Moreover, it is consistently paired with another name, reflecting a relationship of mutual affirmation and balance between the attributes expressed by these names.
Allah the Almighty emphasizes in various verses of the Qur’an (Yunus, 10:65; Fatir, 35:10) that all dignity and honour belong exclusively to Him. However, in another verse, He declares: “But all honour and power belong to Allah, His Messenger, and the believers…” (Munafiqun, 63:8). By this, He has granted a portion of His dignity to His Messenger and the believers, elevating them in status alongside His own honor. This rank is a magnificent blessing that none but Allah can bestow. It is a promise of the heights to which those who believe in Him can ascend, underscoring the divine grace and favor reserved for the faithful. In Surah An-Nisa, verse 139, it is conveyed that those who seek dignity and honor from sources other than Allah will not attain their goal. True dignity and honor are found only in servitude to Allah. Each time we raise our hands in supplication, it is as though we are standing at the door of His dignity, seeking His grace. Every act of worship, remembrance, and supplication serves as a reminder of His supreme honor. All our dignity and honor are blessings bestowed by Him, and they increase and are preserved solely through His mercy. Those who seek dignity elsewhere will ultimately face humiliation, for no created being can bestow honor greater than their own limited station. Such borrowed honor is, in reality, a form of degradation. However, the dignity granted by the Lord of all worlds elevates a person above all creation. To be deprived of this divine blessing is the essence of disgrace (Al-i ‘Imran, 3:26).
Those who take refuge not in the dignity of Allah’s name “al-‘Aziz” but instead in the superiority they imagine within themselves (a bloated ego), become arrogant and stray from the path of Allah as a result of this error (Baqarah, 2:206). Those who have been confused about the source of superiority, a misconception humanity has fallen into since its earliest days (the story of Habil and Qabil can also be viewed from this perspective), have even failed to appreciate even the value of Allah’s prophets (Hud, 11:91).
This name is also used in four verses with the phrase “azizun zuntiqam” (Al-i ‘Imran, 3:4; Ma’idah, 5:95; Ibrahim, 14:47; Zumar, 39:37). This expression signifies that Allah is the possessor of absolute power, who exacts justice on wrongdoers and does not let any crime go unpunished. In nearly all these verses, it is emphasized that those who defy Allah’s will, seek to degrade the truth or oppress the innocent will inevitably face Allah’s punishment at an unexpected moment.
This noble name appears alongside the name al-Hakim in 46 of the 88 instances that are mentioned in the Qur’an. The term al-Hakim is defined as “one who restrains themselves from false knowledge and selfish desires, possesses upright thinking, and demonstrates sound behavior.” When attributed to Allah, it signifies “One whose every word and action aligns with justice, knowledge, and deliberation (hilm).” From this, we understand that wisdom is one of the most essential complementary elements of a personality centered on dignity, along with knowledge and mercy. A person whose character is grounded in dignity, values knowledge, derives strength from it, and refrains from displaying power with what they do not know. The pairing of al-‘Aziz with ar-Rahim reminds us that true strength, rooted in knowledge, must always be accompanied by mercy for one to develop a well rounded and dignified personality.
Power that lacks knowledge, mercy, and wisdom is a destructive force that brings no benefit to its possessor or those around them. For this reason, the false dignity of a disbeliever, which is not grounded in knowledge or wisdom, prevents them from responding to the call of those who invite them to Allah’s path. In contrast, the dignity of a believer, rooted in knowledge and wisdom, shields them from being influenced by those who follow the path of evil.
A person who is aware of the dignity bestowed upon them through the manifestation of this divine name ensures that everything they do is worthy of that dignity. Whatever they produce is of high quality; they do not engage in haphazard, careless, or random work. They understand that their actions are a reflection of the dignity inherent in their character. Such a person, conscious of this responsibility, treats their family, children or students, and subordinates with respect and never demean them. They know that the way they make others feel will influence how they behave, work, and produce. Through their own sense of dignity, they recognize and protect the dignity of others. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) also pointed to this when he stated that humility will increase a person’s dignity.