The swift reception of our beloved Prophet's efforts to spread the message of Islam in society greatly unsettled the polytheist Quraysh tribe, who held dominant power in Mecca. Yet, the derision and ridicule aimed at his character, along with their attempts to coax him into abandoning his righteous cause through various agreements, proved futile. Their animosity continued to intensify since they believed that if polytheism were abolished, their superiority in the eyes of the Arab tribes and their commercial opportunities and interests would be lost. Consequently, they employed all available means to obstruct the Prophet's mission and scorned Muslims collectively through his persona. Whenever he passed by a group of people, they would gesture to each other and utter, “Behold, here comes the son of the descendants of Abd al-Muttalib, who is spoken to from the heavens.” Allah was undoubtedly supporting all the believers with His revelation, “We certainly know that your heart is truly distressed by what they say. So glorify the praises of your Lord and be one of those who always pray.” (Hijr, 15:97-98)

The most oppressed were the ones who were slaves and Muslims, lacking guardians to shield them. Given the Meccan's inability to trouble the free and esteemed Muslims significantly, they channeled their rage toward the vulnerable. 

The Prophet (saw) himself was subjected to insults and violence. His uncle Abu Lahab, to whom he gave his two daughters in marriage, and his wife Umm Jamil, the sister of Abu Sufyan, were his fiercest opponents. Since their house was near the Prophet's residence, they used to throw dirt in front of his door and would often pelt his house with stones or incite others to do so. Umm Jamil, in particular, took pleasure in selecting large thorny plants and hurling them onto the path that he frequently used to reach his house. In response to the wicked deeds of this cruel couple, Allah said to our beloved Prophet: “May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, and he ˹himself˺ perish! Neither his wealth nor ˹worldly˺ gains will benefit him. He will burn in a flaming Fire, and ˹so will˺ his wife, the carrier of ˹thorny˺ kindling, around her neck will be a rope of palm-fibre.” (Masad, 111:1-5)