The Last Messenger of Allah’s (saw) remarkable transformation of the region he inhabited within a mere twenty-three years is a universally acclaimed achievement, admired by all regardless of their religion. Comparing the pre-Islamic and post[1]Islamic societal life would be highly beneficial in fully comprehending this remarkable achievement. By doing so, the underlying reasons for the Prophet’s (saw) success would be unveiled, enabling contemporary Muslims to draw inspiration and chart their own course.

Making the Qur’an prevail in life

Every divine command and prohibition of Allah in the holy book can clearly be seen in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). Every Qur’anic verse enjoining acts such as performing ritual prayer, giving zakat, and honesty was meticulously embodied in the life of the Messenger of Allah. Likewise, all the verses that warned against backbiting, fornication, drinking, and other evils were outside his life. The Prophet Muhammad meticulously aligned his life with the Qur’an’s commands and prohibitions. Had he acted otherwise, the Arabs would have undoubtedly objected to his contradictory behavior.

This phenomenon serves as the most compelling evidence of his role as a living tafsir of the Qur’an, practically implementing its teachings and guiding those around him through his exemplary conduct. By observing his personality, people witnessed the feasibility of translating Qur’anic injunctions, both prescriptive and prohibitive, into real[1]world actions and the possibility for a Muslim to effortlessly embrace a Qur’anic lifestyle.

This situation carries a significant message for those who aspire to convey Islam to the world. It underscores the paramount importance for those striving to propagate Islam to first embody its principles in their own lives. When those propagating Islam embody its principles in their own lives, their message will resonate far more positively with those they seek to reach. Conversely, the words of an individual whose actions contradict their teachings will have a negative impact, as listeners observe not only the message but also the messenger’s conduct.