Economists divide the history of currency into periods. It is argued that initially, people met their needs through bartering, then they transitioned to using standard goods such as salt and seashells as currency, before the invention of money. After gold and silver served as currency for an extended period, the gold-equivalent currency system was introduced, followed by a fiat currency system backed by state power. Subsequently, deposit money emerged with the development of the banking system, leading to the virtualization of money with technological developments and the emergence of electronic currency. However, it’s important to note that even these forms of currency are backed by state power, falling under the category of fiat money. Finally, we entered a new dimension with the introduction of cryptocurrency into our lives about 15 years ago. Because cryptocurrency has no material asset and no value, there is no state power behind it, and a decentralized system is aimed with it. 

When examining the history of humanity, we observe gradual technical development and change across all areas of life. However, the rapid development and change experienced in the last two centuries have probably never been witnessed before. This is because inventions sparked the Industrial Revolution and subsequently the Technological Revolution. This technological revolution has accelerated every aspect of life, including finance. Some operations and transactions that once took days, weeks, or months can now be completed in a very short time. For example, transferring money from one place to another, which previously took hours, days, or even months, depending on the distance, has now been reduced to minutes or seconds. The most significant convenience brought by blockchain technology, which lies at the heart of the cryptocurrency system, is the transfer of money or any other digital asset. In the existing system, there may be certain delays and other problems due to the involvement of national or international institutions in money transfers. Since blockchain technology eliminates the intermediary institutions, these problems are also eliminated. However, it also introduces some issues due to decentralization. Therefore, this system has both advantages and disadvantages.