Allah created human beings in an environment, with an environment, and in need of an environment. On the one hand, He (swt) has blessed them with their environment, and on the other hand, He has tested and limited them with this environment. Boundaries determine the character and quality of a relationship. In the relationship between human beings and their environment, there are clear boundaries set by Islam. For the attitude of human beings towards all animate and inanimate beings other than themselves, although they may seem like ordinary and daily relationships, actually has a deep meaning that extends to the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. Therefore, when discussing the relationship between humans and the environment, it should not be overlooked that we are stepping into a subject that has a divine dimension and that concerns not only this life but also the Hereafter.

Humans, being the most honorable of all creation, are a value in themselves. In front of them, there is a world of existence, all of whose individual members carry “intrinsic value”. They should develop a relationship with this world that respects and supports, not ignores and consumes, in other words, they should be aware of their moral responsibility. Our Lord has woven indispensable bonds between human beings and their environment and has entrusted human beings with the task of recognizing, protecting, and strengthening these bonds.

Islamic foundations of environmental ethics

Environmental ethics argues that all our attitudes, decisions, and behaviors towards the universe, including non-human beings and future generations, should be based on moral foundations. When we look at the ecological crisis in almost every corner of the earth today, we can say that human beings live in disharmony with the delicate balances in the universe and develop a one-sided and exploitative relationship with their environment.