Human history has witnessed various changes and transformations, some sudden and others intertwined with one another. Social scientists have classified these developments in the social structure primarily based on production relations and social organizations. The most commonly used categorizations include agricultural and industrial societies, as well as traditional and modern societies. These concepts, brought to the forefront to describe social and economic activity, challenge prior practices, and incorporate past projections. We define it as a challenge because, even if there is a fundamental change and transformation, the normality of certain periods and the consciousness of belonging in relation to that normality can give rise to conflicts. On the other hand, the harmonization and transformation of normality, while progressing reasonably in daily life practice, is brought to the forefront of the agenda with a sharper discourse due to the fear of the destruction of belonging. The key objective is to eliminate language that incites conflict among discourses and fields of representation and cultivate a thorough comprehension and interpretation of periods and the corresponding sociality on a sound basis. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the concept of digitality, used to refer to the postmodern era and the social and religious organization it produces, in terms of its dimensions of possibility and risk.

Although there are many definitions, in its most general form, digitalization can be defined as “the process of transferring accessible information into a medium that can be read by technological tools such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, edited in these environments, and incorporated into workflows”. In a sense, digitalization also refers to the radical change in the tools used to produce, distribute, and store information. Digitalization has an infrastructure that also triggers its own transformation.

Mass media, the primary tool of digitalization, has eliminated barriers of time, place, and physicality. Technological advancements have paved new opportunities in social, political, and religious spheres. Digitalization, rooted in the new technological landscape of the twenty[1]first century, has brought about variations in the daily lives of society. Since the early 2000s, Web 2.0 technology and its product, social media, have transformed communication from one[1]sided to multidimensional. With the Internet, all social structures, from individual life to traditional institutions, have begun to be affected by the online transformation.