The things that invalidate ablution also invalidate tayammum. Moreover, tayammum is invalidated when the excuses that allow one to perform tayammum, such as finding enough water for ablution or ghusl, recovery from a disease, and having the possibility to use water, end (Mawsili, al-Ikhtiyar, I, 86).

How is tayammum performed?

Tayammum is the cleansing ritual performed in the form of wiping the face and both arms with clean soil or something of the type of soil to remove the state of ritual impurity in which there is no water or it is not possible to use the water available. It is performed by touching hands on clean soil or something of the type of soil and wiping over face and both arms with these hands. It is stated in the Holy Qur’an, “But if you are ill, on a journey, or have relieved yourselves, or been intimate with your wives and cannot find water, then purify yourselves with clean earth, wiping your faces and hands.” (Nisa, 4:43; Ma’idah, 5:6). The person who is going to perform tayammum makes intention for which type of ritual purification he will perform tayammum (for minor ablution or ghusl). He strikes his hands on a clean soil or something of the type of soil as his fingers are separated from each other, moves his hands back and forth, raises and shakes them off smoothly. He wipes over his entire face with their palms once. Then he strikes his hands on soil again and wipes over right lower arm to the elbow by using the palm of his left hand; then he wipes over his left lower arm to the elbow similarly by using the palm of his right hand.

In which situations tayammum can be performed instead of ablution?