Palestine, which harbors al-Quds, whose sanctity is clearly stated in the Holy Qur’an, and Masjid al-Aqsa, which is its heart, is a blessed land that has served as a sanctuary for many prophets and witnessed their struggle for faith and tawhid. The lands of Palestine, particularly the city of al-Quds and the revered Masjid al-Aqsa, constitute a great value entrusted to the believers by the prophets as a prophetic legacy. Our beloved Prophet (saw), the final prophet in the chain of prophethood, attached special importance to this trust, urging his companions and all Muslims to uphold its sanctity. Indeed, this belief and sensitivity have historically motivated Muslims to accord al-Quds a position of exceptional reverence. Al-Quds, which opened its gates to Muslims during the reign of ‘Umar (ra), has experienced its best times for about five centuries. It has become a landmark city where people of different faiths have coexisted in peace and security for centuries and where the best examples of peace, justice, and compassion have been exhibited. Furthermore, al-Quds served as a stage for the rarest expressions of respect for the sacred, tolerance, and harmonious coexistence.

These lands, embodying the historical narrative and shared values of humanity, also flourished under Muslim rule as a significant center of knowledge and wisdom. However, it has been occupied from time to time in the historical process and has witnessed unprecedented massacres each time. In such periods, Muslims as well as other religious groups were subjected to great persecution and injustice. Yet, fueled by the resolute struggles of Muslims, this land, a cherished heritage of the prophets, has repeatedly regained its freedom. Indeed, in the 12th century, Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Saladin) brought an end to the eighty-eight-year Crusader occupation. His leadership restored security and peace to the region, ensuring the rights and legal protection of all inhabitants, and re-established al-Quds’ identity as Dar al-Salam (Abode of Peace).