Allah the Almighty, created the heavens and the earth, the night and the day, the land and the sea, the clouds, the winds, the rain that gives life to the dead earth, and the whole world of existence, and placed it at the service of humankind. Human beings are able to sustain their lives with the blessings bestowed upon them within this very delicate order. Allah the Almighty gives the opportunity to benefit from these blessings not only to the believers but also to the disbelievers who ignore the verses on earth and equate other beings with Him (Baqarah, 2:164-167). The Creator, Who wants to make Himself known to human beings by creating these blessings, also wants them to obey Him through the rules He has established to benefit from them. 

The basic rules regarding the food that people obtain to meet their nutritional needs are expressed in the verse as follows: “O humanity! Eat from what is lawful and good on the earth and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. He is truly your sworn enemy.” (Baqarah, 2:168) The basic rule for enjoying the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon human beings is to consume halal food. Some foods in the world have been declared haram. For instance, pork is inherently haram, while others, even if initially halal, become haram if obtained through illicit means, such as theft. The foods deemed halal by Allah are devoid of both these negative attributes. The second rule for enjoying these blessings is that they should be clean (tayyib). There are two views about the meaning of the word “tayyib” in this verse. According to the first meaning, ‘tayyib’ serves as a synonym for ‘halal’. In this context, something described as ‘halal’ is also considered ‘tayyib’. According to the second view, the word ‘tayyib’ refers to food that is inherently delicious, pure, and free from any doubt, ensuring it does not harm the mental, spiritual, or physical health of the consumer. Therefore, Allah commands us to consume ‘halal’ food but also to prioritize consuming ‘tayyib’ food from the halal option as much as we can afford. This is because food increases in value and worth to the extent that it is pure, flavorful, and enjoyable. Thus, the servants, as recipients of these blessings, want to be grateful to the bestower of these blessings and praise Him (swt).