The Messenger of Allah (saw) used to take every opportunity to educate and inform his companions, trying to teach them the ways to be happy and peaceful both in this world and in the Hereafter. He would sometimes ask them questions and answer them himself in order to draw their attention, to point out the seriousness of the matter, and to make sure that the subject was understood.

One day he (saw) was sitting with his companions and asked them, “Should I not inform you of the best of your deed, and the purest of them with your Lord, and the highest of them in your ranks, and what is better for you than spending gold and silver, and better for you than fighting with your enemy?” When the companions said “Of course, tell us, O Messenger of Allah!” the Prophet (saw) said: “It is the constant remembrance of Allah at all times and in all places.” (Tirmidhi, Da‘awat, 7)

It is extremely important to take every step for the sake of Allah, to observe Allah’s right in every breath, to love and to be angry for the sake of Allah, or, in short, to remember Allah at all times and in all places, for this is the proper fulfillment of the duty of servitude. For this reason, the obligatory ritual prayers that we perform regularly every day are not performed in one go but in five separate times. This is for the purpose of not forgetting our main duty of servitude during our worldly rush. Since du‘a (supplication) is an act of worship that enables the servants to establish a connection with Allah the Almighty at all times and in all places and reminds them of Him, it has been described as the most precious deed in the sight of Allah, as stated in the aforementioned hadith.

Du‘a is the most active and continuous form of communication between the servants and the Lord of the Worlds. In this active and continuous state of communication, the servants realize their helplessness and weakness and experience the peace and happiness of taking refuge in a safe haven. They open their hands to Allah the Almighty, who is omnipotent (al-Qadir) and in need of nothing (al-Samad); they express their heartfelt desires and wishes; they beg, plead, and ask for forgiveness, mercy, and help; they ask for goodness and beauty in this world and the Hereafter.