The order and operation of the universe are occupying my thoughts. How does the universe operate? What kind of order does it possess? Who established this order, and who is responsible for its management?

To start with, let's address this inquiry based on the guidance from the Qur'an, sent by the Creator: “Have We not smoothed out the earth like a bed, and made the mountains as its pegs, and created you in pairs, and made your sleep for rest, and made the night as a cover, and made the day for livelihood, and built above you seven mighty heavens, and placed in them a shining lamp, and sent down from the rainclouds pouring water, producing by it grain and various plants, and dense orchards?” (Naba, 78:6-16)

If we can elaborate on this a little, what do these verses mean?

The order of the universe and the functioning of this order are explained in these verses. They illustrate the expanse of the earth likened to a resting surface, while mountains are depicted as stabilizing pegs.  The diversity of humanity's colors, races, and tribes, along with the alternation of night and day, wherein night serves as reprieve and day as a means of sustenance, are also expounded. Furthermore, the process of rain and the resultant abundance of grains, foliage, and fruits, which cater to the nourishment of living beings, are meticulously described. The Almighty Allah states that He has prepared all these opportunities for the human being whom He addresses as “you”.

What is the connection between these events? 

Every phenomenon and occurrence within the universe intricately intertwines. The above verses emphasize this reality, shedding light on the interconnectedness of the heavens, earth, and the entities existing between them. The verses underscore the necessity of these elements and emphasize the inseparability of one from the other. The order and interdependence within the universe are intricately woven, where each facet cannot exist in isolation from the rest. To make these truths more relatable to human understanding, the metaphor of a “tent (i.e. stake)” is chosen.