Our sublime book, the Qur’an, introduces Allah to us with the attributes of ar-Rahman (the Most Merciful) and ar-Rahim (the Most Compassionate). Mercy, derived from the same root as these two attributes, is among the foremost of the emotions that Allah bestows upon His creation as a manifestation of His mercy. In this sense, mercy signifies being sensitive to every living being and adopting a merciful approach in all interactions with the world.

The mercy of Allah, which is a reflection of His name ar-Rahman, can essentially be described as the feeling of compassion towards someone or something, a deep sorrow felt for their plight. This definition also encompasses showing concern for the troubles and difficulties of others without discrimination, feeling pity for their plight, empathizing with their situation, and feeling sorrow alongside them. However, limiting mercy to just this sense would be an incomplete approach, as this profound emotion also has an action-oriented dimension alongside its inner (spiritual) aspect. In this context, true mercy, as understood through the universal moral principles of Islam, is not just an abstract feeling of pity but a concept that also concerns attitudes and behaviors that manifest in the service of others’ wellbeing. Indeed, because Islam aims to spread goodness and virtuous character on earth, it commands approaching all living beings with love, treating them with compassion, and helping them through these feelings, thus guiding people toward active altruism and, in a way, transforming mercy into action.

In Islam, mercy has a comprehensive nature and does not harbor any discrimination based on religion, language, race, species, or similar distinctions. Indeed, addressing the inequalities among people and establishing social justice can only be achieved through an all-encompassing understanding of mercy. Allah, the one Who grants mercy, treats all His servants and all creatures with compassion, without any distinction. He is the most merciful of the merciful. The fact that Allah has sent prophets to humanity and revealed books to distinguish between right and wrong is a manifestation of His mercy towards all of His creation. The rewards that believers earn for their deeds are a result of Allah’s mercy and compassion. Similarly, the rewards for those who remain patient in the face of life’s difficulties are also the result of Allah’s mercy and compassion. Allah is the owner of infinite mercy, and as stated in the Qur’an, His mercy encompasses everything (A’raf, 7:156). Both believers and non-believers share in His mercy.