Living within a society is a psychological, biological, and economic necessity for human beings. The ability to sustain one’s existence in an honorable, secure, and peaceful manner largely depends on one’s interactions with others. This, in turn, requires adhering to certain principles in communication and engagement with people. These principles, which are essential for coexistence, are referred to as adab al-mu‘asharat, meaning the rules of courtesy. Also expressed through concepts such as etiquette, decorum, and custom, these rules are fundamental moral principles that ensure healthy communication between individuals, strengthen human relationships and contribute to social harmony.

Courtesy means having good character and being selfless, prioritizing the needs of one’s brother over one’s own. It is about valuing others without seeking to elevate oneself and approaching everyone with respect, understanding, and tolerance. It involves avoiding offensive, hurtful, or harmful words, attitudes, and behaviors while offering healing words to wounded hearts. Courtesy is doing good without expecting anything in return, reviving hearts without seeking personal gain. It means embodying love, respect, compassion, and mercy in human relationships; choosing the most beautiful words and the most refined actions; and being kind, gentle, and dignified in demeanor. At the same time, courtesy requires an awareness of boundaries. It is recognizing that every individual’s feelings, thoughts, and perspectives hold value in their own right. In this respect, courtesy is the distinguishing mark of a Muslim’s character and a reflection of Islamic dignity in social life.

The Holy Qur’an, which defines a person’s responsibilities toward Allah, oneself, and society, contains numerous verses across various chapters that set the standards for courtesy and ethical communication. In particular, Surah al-Hujurat is a surah dedicated entirely to courtesy and social etiquette, calling people to morality. In this surah, Allah the Almighty commands believers to show respect to Him and His Messenger, to be cautious regarding unverified information, and to uphold the rights of brotherhood. It warns against attitudes and behaviors that corrupt hearts, disrupt societal harmony, and undermine the possibility of coexistence, such as mocking others, assigning offensive nicknames, harboring suspicion, engaging in backbiting, and prying into people’s private matters. Furthermore, the Qur’an emphasizes the importance of kindness, valuing friendships, expressing gratitude for acts of goodness, refraining from reminding others of one’s favors, wishing well for others, and being generous, charitable, and humble. These qualities are regarded as essential for establishing a livable and harmonious society. The standards of courtesy that the Qur’an, as the fundamental source of Islam and our guide to life, teaches, encourages, and promotes are undoubtedly universal principles that facilitate coexistence and lead to happiness in both this world and the hereafter.